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This is the current weather in London.

ALERTS: Severe storm and lightning for the next 4 hrs. No visibility.

ADVICE: Stay inside, don't drive.

New York City

This is the current weather in New York City.

ALERTS: Severe storm and lightning for the next 4 hrs. No visibility.

ADVICE: Stay inside, don't drive.


This is the current weather in Hyderabad.

ALERTS: Severe storm and lightning for the next 4 hrs. No visibility.

ADVICE: Stay inside, don't drive.


This is the current weather in Botswana.

ALERTS: Severe storm and lightning for the next 4 hrs. No visibility.

ADVICE: Stay inside, don't drive.

Hong Kong

This is the current weather in Hong Kong.

ALERTS: Severe storm and lightning for the next 4 hrs. No visibility.

ADVICE: Stay inside, don't drive.


This is the current weather in Tokyo.

ALERTS: Severe storm and lightning for the next 4 hrs. No visibility.

ADVICE: Stay inside, don't drive.

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